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Immigrate / UK

United Kingdom is among the most favoured and popular student destinations for the students of India, Pakistan and most of South Asia. However, attaining the visa is not very simple. As an applicant, a student should score minimum of 40 points for applying the student visa. The criteria are provided as follows:

The applicant student must have Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from a university approved by the UK Border Agency (UKBA).
The student must provide the evidence funding by which his personal and academic expenditures would be met.
We have a record of huge number of successful applicants to various colleges and universities across UK. Tuition fees are on average £11,000 per year but can range from £4,000 to £22,000. UK government is very liberal towards the applications received from India and other South Asian students.

List of UK University
‎ Angila Ruskin (MBA 6950 GBP) ‎
Aston ‎
Bangor ‎‎
Bath Spa ‎
Bath University ‎
Bedfordshire University ‎
Birkbeck University of London ‎
Birmingham City University ‎‎
Bradford ‎
Brighton University‎
Brunel ‎
Buckingham University ‎
Buckinghamshire New Cardiff (UWIC) ‎
Cardiff Metropolitan‎
Central Lancashire‎
Chester (MBA 6950 GBP) ‎
City University‎
Coventry University ‎
Cumbria ‎
‎ Dundee ‎
Durham University
‎ East Angila University ‎
East London ‎
Edge Hill ‎
Edinburgh ‎
Edinburg Napier‎
Ealing Hammersmith & West London College ‎
Glasgow Caledonian ‎
Huddershield university ‎
Leeds Metropolitan University
‎‎ Essex University ‎
Exeter ‎
Glasgow ‎
Gloucestershire ‎
Glyndwr University ‎
Greenwich ‎
Hertfortshire Univ.‎
Hull ‎‎
Keele ‎‎
Kent ‎
Kingston ‎
Leeds ‎
Leicester ‎‎
Lincoln ‎
Liverpool ‎
Liverpool Hope University ‎
Liverpool John Moores ‎
London Metropolitan University‎‎
London school fo business & finance ‎
London School of Commerce‎

Most student visa holders are eligible to work part time while studying. Students studying at a University at the degree level or above are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week while their course is in session and full time during vacations.

Students studying at a University below degree level are eligible to work up to 10 hours per week when their course is in session and full time during vacations.

Students studying at a government-funded college are eligible to work up to 10 hours per week and full time during vacations.
Upon completion of studies students can remain in the UK for up to four months [only degree level or above courses with minimum 12 months course duration quality] to seek graduate employment.
Students who are offered graduate-level job offers with a minimum annual salary of £20,000 are able to apply for a UK work visa.
International graduates who wish to start their own business in the UK may be able to apply for a new student entrepreneur’s visa.

The Spouse and unmarried children [below the age of 21 years] of a student visa holder can apply for a dependent Visa. The dependents do not have a right to work or study in UK. The spouses of the student who are undertaking a post-graduate course [NQF 7 or above] of more than 12 months’ duration at a university will have full work rights.

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